Lies And Damn Lies About Change

Paul Jimenez
2 min readJul 17, 2022
Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

The first lie about change is that change is is easy

Have you ever change the furniture just to change the furniture? Or perhaps you have changed your furniture do to growing up? Recently I changed the my office furniture. When I last reorganized my office it was everything I wanted … and yet it wasn’t. I organized it around reconfigurability, but I never reconfigured it. I organized around ease of use but as I was working from home it was cumbersome. I found that I had comprised the usability for the promise of configurability. I was never satisfied but still I did not want to change. I justed lived with it. I sat back, in full denial of the facts, and made do. Slowly over time and several days of headaches I slowly came to accept that my furniture was not optimized around me. My monitor was placed in such a way that I was spending much of my day craning my next back and forth trying to find the right setting for my trifocals just so I could read it. Change isn’t easy an most of us would rather not do it.

The second lie about change is that change is quick

A couple week ago I did the sensible thing, the thing that I recommend you do. I did something. I specked out new equipment, I sold old equipment, and now I am rebuilding everything. It’s a process. It has taken a couple of weeks but still if something isn’t working for you change it. Life is simply to short.

A final thought on change is that change is a constant so get used to it. That’s the truth about change.



Paul Jimenez

American Pragmatist who writes his personal observations on the joy of being alive. You can connect with me at